floating lotus on water

Discover a gentle, supportive approach to making real substantial change in your life

Peace is our natural state. Its spaciousness allows us to feel our True Divine Nature, Oneness is who we are. It is the unifying principle that unites us as living beings.

Lee Byrd

Join us every Sunday at 9:30am Eastern for guided meditation, breath work, thoughtful readings and spiritual discussion. Our 90 minute session is free and open to everyone.

We’re all just walking each other home

Ram Dass

Calm the Body
Breath Work

Breathe in from the bottom of your belly. Inhale to expand the ribs, then up to the top of the chest. Hold for a couple of seconds.

Then exhale very slowly from the top of the chest, down through the ribs and finally release air from the belly. To center and focus, repeat 3 times.

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    The veil is thinning. I am an old woman, crazy as a loon.Bathing in the darkness,Howling at the moon. Safe inside my silky cocoon,I yearn for the mysterySpreading my wings andFlying off on my broom. The veil is thinning,The… Continue reading Crazy Old Woman
  • I Lost My Voice
    Well, actually, he stole it! His words stung, threatened, muted me,His words tossed me head-first into a cold, cageless prison.No voice, no choice, no key.Only the breathlessness of panic. I lost my voice.  Only terror remains. Only nightmares remain. Spinning alone,… Continue reading I Lost My Voice
  • What I Really Want
    I want to do my Sudoku puzzles in ink  So I cannot erase my mistakes But instead, weave those mistakes into a beautiful gown Of red and purple and yellow and blue and green and orange. Then I’ll wear… Continue reading What I Really Want

As a Spiritual Practitioner, I offer you a gentle, supportive approach to making real substantial change in your life. Together, we practice body awareness, breath work, and meditation. Our focus is on strengthening the emotional body, allowing you the direct experience of Presence. Join me for:

  • Private Spiritual Practice Sessions for individuals or groups, in-person or via phone or Zoom
  • Inquiry Sessions through an emotional clearing process using deep listening, awareness, coming to rest, and essential oils
  • Aroma Freedom Technique consultation using essential oils
  • Reiki healing and energy sessions

“Through Lee’s professional and kind guidance, I became one with my thoughts and feelings. Her love of helping others and her centeredness with her spirituality makes her a master in her craft in my mind.” ~PB

Standing portrait of Lee

I wish to share my wisdom with you

I am a Mystic. A modern mystic is someone who communes with the divine. I have awakened to the Inherent Wisdom, the recognition of our Essential Oneness.  My mission is to create a safe, sacred space to work together on the resistance to Compassion, Love and Authenticity.

I am a Lightworker, walking this path of self-realization and awakening for many years, perhaps for lifetimes. I am deeply humbled and honored to have work with many spiritual teachers, including Ram Dass, Neelam, Barry Neil Kaufman, Nirmala, Richard Bach, and my beloved Charles Craig Dawson. Over the years, each teacher gently nudged me out of my comfort-zone, each gifted me the tools and the skills needed to walk this path of Light.

I am an Intuitive Guide using Deep Listening and Inquiry skills to navigate the emotional, murky waters that often accompany pain and suffering. My work is to help bring awareness to patterns of reactivity and distress, so we can shed these patterns once and for all. 

I am trained in Deep Listening and Inquiry. I am a Certified Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner as an Essential Oil Educator. And I am a Certified Reiki II Practitioner.

Donate to help Lee publish her new book
Creating Emotional Freedom: A guide to discovering peace in everyday life struggles