Making lasting change

Cultivate silence and begin to listen to the voice within.

Lee Byrd

What do we really want?  How do we get to that place of clarity where creating the right intentions and setting meaningful goals happens with ease?  It’s very simple, actually, when we take the time to be with ourselves and allow what is here to come to the surface.

Try this:  Take a moment and sit or lie down, close your eyes and bring your awareness to your breath–nothing to do, just a gentle noticing.  Now, slowly begin to scan your body; again, nothing to do, just being the witness and notice what is here in your body now.  Maybe you will notice tightness and contraction. Or maybe you will notice rest and a gentle spaciousness.  Keeping your awareness on the breath ask, can I allow these sensations?

Ah, in comes Monkey Mind–a Buddhist term that refers to the unsettled and restless mind, the endless chatter that takes us off course. Don’t push it away, just notice and bring your awareness to the body and the breath.

It helps me to diffuse essential oil before sitting in silence. My favorite is Sacred Frankincense because it has a very high frequency and has historically been known to help us to feel our own Divine nature. 

Communicate with the Divine

Essential oils are known to relax the nervous system. And when the nervous system is relaxed, we regain clarity allowing us to make decisions that support the life we want.

With practice, it is completely possible for us to come to rest within any circumstance in our life. And it is only from this place of rest that we can make the decisions that truly serve us in life.  Once we have come to rest, clarifying intentions and setting goals becomes less challenging and uncomplicated … this is the path to Freedom and Freedom is what we truly seek!

Let us come together, create sacred space and journey hand-in-hand.

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