What if I told you that you possess the unique and magical ability to create the life you want? What would you do? This is not only possible, it is our birthright.
We are all Divine Beings, it is our True Nature. To make significant change, to create the life of your dreams, all one has to do is to simply surrender to this Truth.
However, many of us have layer upon layer of deep conditioning that must first be recognized and then released. The work takes diligence and a commitment to freeing yourself from the chains of the past.
Like many, I struggled for years trying to come to terms with my emotional scars. I consulted therapists and soothsayers alike. I read all the books and attended all the workshops. Yet, there was no relief. Everyone acknowledged my pain but no one offered the magic pill I was seeking.
But still I persisted.
Slowly the message coming from the readings and workshops, the therapists and soothsayers, began to sink in. It was counterintuitive and my ego struggled to understand. The beautiful wise spiritual teachers I consulted kept advising me to listen with my heart. From my heart I could hear the message, there is nothing you can do about the past but you can choose how you feel about it.
Realizing this was the dawning of a new day, the bright beautiful beginning of the rest of my life.
Are you ready to create the life you want?
From all the various teachers, books, workshops, etc, I found the courage and the tools needed to create the life I wanted and deserved.
Here is what I discovered:
- Most important is to be very tender with yourself. Be kind, loving and patient. These patterns didn’t evolve overnight.
- Start where you are. This is essential because there is great power in recognizing and acknowledging what emotions are currently present. Anger? Fear? Grief? Whatever is here, see if you can simply allow that.
- Set an intention. This doesn’t have to be complicated or lengthy. When first stepping onto this path my initial intention was to find the peace within the turmoil that was my life.
- Use the tools that are here, readily available such as breath work and movement, both help balance the nervous system which allows us to be present.
- Find time to sit in silence twice a day. Focusing on the breath and/or a candle helps. If you are new to this, start with a goal of 5 minutes and increase the time as you feel comfortable doing so.
- Ask for guidance. Whatever you call that “higher power,” Universe, Divine Mother, angels, guides, ask for clarity around what you want to manifest for yourself.
- Journal. Take out pen and paper and start writing. Do not edit, just let the thoughts flow freely. Set this aside for awhile. I think you will be amazed at what you discover.
This simple yet profound practice can change our worldview, and that can change everything. Noticing and allowing these emotions empowers us, enabling us to move out of being the victim. Here is where we release ourselves from the groove of habit, enabling clarity and spaciousness, allowing for real change.
Happy For 2021, breathing a sigh of relief. Thank you for all you do.🍵