Who Am I?

No matter what we look like, no matter what our health situation is, no matter the color of our skin or our designated sex, etc., upon birth we are complete and whole. 

However, from the moment we take our first breath we are exposed to the conditions and beliefs of others from the medical personnel to family to society at large. These beliefs most often become our reality because no one stops and declares, “This is what I think and believe. Please take time in your life to examine these and take what works and leave the rest.” Instead we make the unconscious choice that these must be fact. 

The Beautiful Suit

It is as if we are given a certain suit to wear and we ignore the fact that it doesn’t really fit. As we go along in life we do our best to wiggle around in a frustrating attempt to make it appear that the suit fits. The more we wiggle, the worse it seems. Even though the suit never fits, our owning it defines who we think we are. This is living a lie, an untruth and opens the door to anxiety and depression. Our true nature is authentic, real and is where our true power lies.

Conflict Arises

We humans have been programmed to seek normality even when we don’t understand exactly what that is or where it comes from.

Normal: Conforming With or Adhering to a Certain Standard

Normal is an illusion. The big question is, who sets the standard that we are suppose to measure up to? We strive to become normal as a way to insure that we are able to live a fulfilled, rewarding life. We assume that normal is the path to feeling accepted and thus good enough.

Suffering is being ‘here’ but wishing we were ‘there.’ The more we struggle to get the suit, which was never ours, to fit, the more we suffer. Conflict arises because we are denying our own true nature.

Shedding the suit and stepping into our Truth can be scary.

Ego says it is safer to stay in the ill-fitting suit and our Divine nature beckons us to remember who we are.

So, what do we do, how do we lose the suit?

In order to live free from these limiting beliefs, we must wake up and take a look in the mirror. When we stand straight and look, it is obvious that the suit doesn’t fit. Here, in this awareness, we are invited to begin a whole new adventure into the unknown.

Discarding the suit can be scary because our identity is all tangled up in that suit. But it is within our power to do this. 

Start by creating a daily practice of awareness: 

  • Find a quiet place with little or no distractions.
  • Three or more rounds of conscious breathing
    • Breathe in, hold, release slowly
  • Look around, notice your environment

Body Awareness Meditation: https://www.leebyrdmystic.com/about/meditation/4237-2/

Awareness of what we are feeling in the moment is the first step in finding inner peace and to paying attention to the ‘I’. As we do this, we discover that the individual ego personality disappears and we are left with self-realization.

The illusion of separateness dissolves and we integrate our Divine True Nature with our Humanity. 

Question Everything. Ask, is this true? Can I know for certain?

After the above meditation take out your journal and explore the beliefs you hold about yourself and who you think you are. You cannot shed that old suit till you recognize it and its purpose in your life now. Be honest and tender with yourself.

When we take time to let the ego self drop away we discover that we are enough, we realize our innate beauty and perfection. We embrace our Divine nature.

This is realizing our Oneness and it is why we are here.

Essential Oil Suggestion: Acceptance

I love Acceptance because it helps me to open and to new things in my life (like shedding that old, ill-fitting suit!)

Before using any essential oils, please read this Disclaimer: https://www.leebyrdmystic.com/about/contact/disclaimer/

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