Emotional freedom is our birthright. We all possess the innate ability to find peace within no matter what is going on around us. This is freedom from the chains of the past. Releasing ourselves from our past requires three basic things:
- Awareness of what we are feeling, of what is really going on in this moment.
- Acceptance, making peace with how we are feeling.
- Action – creating a daily practice to retrain our emotional body and nervous system to receive and process information differently.
Elements of A Daily Practice
- Movement – This can be simple stretches or walking or yoga. I recommend yoga. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhA3qNNYQaU&t=1464s)
- Meditation – Don’t be intimidated by this practice. Meditation is just getting quiet for a period of time. If you are new, I suggest you start with 15 minutes.
- Find a safe, quiet place, sit or lie down, maybe light a candle and play some soft music.
- Breathe. Three or more rounds of deep intentional breathing. Inhale to the count of four, hold for one count, release slowly to the count or eight.
- Before closing your eyes take a moment to look around your immediate surroundings. Just notice what is there and maybe how you feel as you do.
- Here is a guided body awareness meditation that you can listen to.
- Journaling – After meditation take the time to note your emotions and how the practice went. This is your own personal reflection so don’t hold back. No judging or need to make it look perfect. If you are stuck for a question, ask yourself what is really going on right now. Pen to paper, write without stopping. Let it flow.
See Emotional Clearing Ritual: https://www.leebyrdmystic.com/about/teachings/essential-oils-2/my-essential-oil-emotional-clearing-ritual/