Becoming a Free Spirit

Freedom is our birthright. It is not something we earn or learn, it is innate. It is who we are. We were all born free spirits.

A Free Spirit never needs to explain themselves or prove anything.

Lee Byrd

From the moment we take our first breath we are programmed to think and feel a certain way. Some of this is in our genes, handed down through generations. This conditioning is based on a lie – that you (me, everyone) are not good enough. So we spend most of our lives wearing a suit that doesn’t fit (see “Who Am I” blog post: And really, all this does is drive us deeper into the endless cycle of unworthiness.

Each and everyone of us were born good enough. After all, we are children of the Divine (God, Universe, etc.). But as long as we measure our self worth against other people’s values, the love and acceptance we crave remains elusive. The solution is simple – there is no place to go, nothing to do, no special doctrine to adhere to, nothing. Because it is all right here right now. If we take the time to slow down and look within our own heart and if we have the courage to be honest, we cannot help but to recognizing our Divine Nature. As long as we try to fit into that suit that others insist on, we set ourselves up to suffer.

Suffering is the turning away from our own true nature.

Lee Byrd

This incarnation is no accident, we choose a human life in order to experience the human spirit. And our task has always been to remember who we are and to integrate our humanity and our Divinity.

May my heart be brave, my mind fierce, and my spirit free. ~Unknown

Its Called Life

Stuff happens, it’s called life. But we don’t have to be a slave to the events around us. We have the ability to detach from events and to see them for what they are. It will take practice. Becoming aware of what we are feeling allows us to know when we are falling into the not good enough trap. It empowers us to see the truth.

Recognizing the conditioning frees us up to act rather than to react. Reactivity gets us more of the same, more self doubt. But by not buying into the story of unworthiness, we are able to see more clearly what action, if any, would best support us.

Deconstructing Unworthiness

As I said, the first step is always awareness – what am I feeling and why. By incorporating a daily practice of body awareness we create the habit of knowing when we are in reactivity. This knowing is the first step in shifting out of the unworthiness habit.

Body Awareness Meditation Audio:

This practice allows us to know when the not good enough monster rears its ugly head. Eckhart Tolls suggests that you speak this out loud: “reactivity is here!” Once we step out of that story we are fee to explore what is really going on and what our beliefs are.

Do you really want to continue to believe you are unworthy? Or are you ready to make a change?

Embrace your Free Spirit!

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