Inquiry: Coming Into Presence

When we place our awareness on the heart we lift the veil between the known and unknown. Here we begin our journey of integrating our Humanity and Divinity.

Lee Byrd

Inquiry is a gentle process based on the teachings of the Indian Saint, Sri Ramana Maharshi. 

Many teachers over the years have spoken of this process and the value and power it has in bringing us into awareness and understanding of Presence.

The practice of awareness aids us in discovering what is really going on inside of us, specifically with our emotional baggage, such as when we react to triggers in the present moment from experiences we have had in the past. And only from this place of truly understanding can we find real emotional freedom. Acknowledging our emotions in this way is the gateway to discovering Truth.

Emotional freedom means freeing ourselves from the chains of the past.

Lee Byrd

We can say out loud, “I’m angry,” and then work to discover why. It is always a story about some betrayal or injustice, some hurt carelessly inflicted. If we stop there, the story becomes the excuse for feeling angry, and we get stuck in reacting to similar situations with anger. 

I’ve never met anyone who really wants to feel bad whether it is anger or fear or sadness. If we don’t know what to do, we either stay upset, act out the feeling inappropriately or we stuff it by numbing out. But eventually, these uncomfortable feelings surface again.

However, if we have the courage to ask, “Why? What is really going on for me?” we open that door to emotional freedom.

A little disclaimer: I am not suggesting that what happened that led to feeling angry is ok or even justified. When we are willing to, as Ram Dass says, invite these demons–difficult emotions–in for tea, we begin to peel back the layers and discover what is really going on.

This is taking responsibility for our emotions and it is empowering.

The Inquiry

The Inquiry process offers us the opportunity to meet the past and embrace our True Nature of inner peace.

This is a beautiful process where we are invited to look inward and explore emotions that keep us enslaved in the past. Our reactivity to what arises in life is not so much about that particular situation as it is about some conditioning and programming we are carrying around. The situation simply triggers our unresolved issues.  We could say then that the past is presentLooking at it from this viewpoint offers the opportunity to meet the past and to find peace within.

The Process:

  1. Begin in silence. Take a moment to look around your environment before closing your eyes. Take a few long, slow deep breaths and settle in.
  2. Breathe. A few rounds of deep intentional breath work calms our nervous system.
  3. Body awareness guided meditation allows us to notice what is here, what physical sensations are present.
  4. Tell the story. Briefly talk about what happened and as you do, keep your awareness on the body sensations.
  5. Describe the sensations. Take time to notice where the story lies in your body.
    1. How does it feel? Is there contraction? Tightness? Pain? Is there coolness or heat, color? 
    2. Can you meet the physical feelings without needing to make them different?
  6. Ask, what is really going on?
  7. Is it OK? The question of ok is not a judgment but rather a reflection – it is an invitation to simply allow what is here to be here. This is the beginning of letting go and as we do so, our nervous system begins to relax and we are then able to see the story for what it is – past conditioning.

When we keep asking, we peel away the layers of the story that has enslaved us for so long. Inquiry is a tool that helps us to step out of suffering. It is the path to realizing Emotional Freedom.

I am available to help. Simply contact me and make an appointment.

My service to you is to create a safe environment where, together, we meet these unresolved issues and begin to disarm them.  If you have a desire, a willingness to release yourself from the chains of your past, this is a place to start. 

Essential Oil Suggestion

The Omani frankincense resin is known to deepen our spiritual awareness.

Before using any essential oils please read this disclaimer:

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