Bummed Out? Check Your Frequency!

She had planned for weeks for this concert. It was a big deal, everyone was talking about it. She took that day and the next off work, arranged childcare and reserved a hotel room nearby so she’d be close to the venue. All she needed now was her ticket. 

The night before the tickets were to officially go on sale she set an alarm to wake up one hour before. Tickets were limited, and only available online, no pre-sales were allowed. She woke, made a cup of coffee, double and triple checked to make sure her laptop was charged.

She logged into the site. There was a countdown showing there were 43 minutes and some seconds to go. She waited, tapping her fingers impatiently, never taking her eyes off the screen. The final two minutes ticked by oh so painfully slow! Then, 3…2…1, the ticket window opened. She was number 473 in line! 

Waiting was never her strong suit but what else could she do? After what seemed to be an eternity, it happened! A large red flashing sign: SOLD OUT!

“No!” she screamed at the computer, “This cannot be happening!”

Massive Disappointment

Disappointment can be overwhelming

To say she was disappointed is a tremendous understatement. All the time she put in planning, the expectation, the excitement. Didn’t they know this was her most favorite band in the world!? She screamed, threw a tantrum like a three year old, curled up on the sofa and cried herself to sleep.

Disappointment happens, it’s part of life. Disappointment can be pretty overwhelming, leaving us feeling down, depressed and anxious.

This very human feeling of disappointment creates a lower physical vibrational frequency resulting in a sense of despair and darkness. This state of being limits us and keeps us slaves to the emotion. Universal law states that like attracts like: despair, depression, fear results in more despair, depression and fear.

Bingo! Check Your Vibrational Frequency

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ~Nikola Tesla

Absolutely everything in the entire universe is made up of molecules and these molecules are constantly moving, vibrating all at different speeds, some faster than others, some higher, some lower. This vibration creates frequency, or waves of energy. Research is showing that our emotional state greatly influences our vibrational frequency. 

At a higher frequency level, we feel happier, more at ease. At higher frequencies, we truly go with the flow and experience more joy, compassion and a general sense of well being. Higher frequencies contribute to better overall mental and emotional health.

What Would You Rather Feel? 

The first question is, what do you want to feel? In our scenario, the concert got sold out before our friend could get her ticket. She became very disappointed, and rightfully so. After her pity party tantrum she has a choice: stay disappointed and wallow in all the emotions that come along with that or move on.

Now she has to decide what she wants more—to feel the despair of disappointment or to accept the loss and get back to feeling good. 

Take Time To Breathe 

When we control our breathing, we control our awareness, our focus and our energy, our life force.

Dan Brulé

The first and maybe the most helpful way to move through the feelings that bring on lower frequencies is to breathe. Yep, breathe. When we are feeling stressed and disappointed, take time to stop and do several rounds of intentional, conscious breathing. This intentional act allows our nervous system to quickly come back into balance which helps move us out of the reactivity that naturally comes when we are upset. Creating balance in this way gives us the spaciousness needed to increase our frequency. Sometimes taking three intentional deep breaths is all that’s needed.

In addition to breathwork, it is also helpful for us to make a change in our self-talk. When we are awake our mind is chattering constantly. We have the innate ability to reprogram this ongoing monologue. By taking time to pay attention to what we are thinking, we empower ourselves even more. For example, in her despair, our concert-goer may feel like the world is against her, she’s no good and never gets to have any fun. What can we do to change negative self-talk like this?

Affirmations To the Rescue

The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives. ~Louise Hay

One easy way to start is to create some life-affirming affirmations for ourselves. It’s important to keep the affirmations in the present moment. For example, our disappointed music lover might say, “I have all the good experiences I need,” which is much more effective than “I will have fun someday,” which keeps what we want in the future rather than the now.

Need some help? Visit Louise Hay’s website for some easy, effective affirmation ideas. Consider reading a few of your favorite affirmations into a recording that you can play back when you need the inspiration.

Our goal is not to get rid of our emotions. As I’ve said repeatedly in my writing, emotions are not good or bad, both positive and negative feelings are a normal part of being human. Overwhelming negative emotions may be an indication that we are out of balance and our vibrational frequency might be out of whack.

Disappointment happens. It’s part of life. Take the time to identify how you feel, do some breakwork and repeat your favorite affirmation to raise your frequency and help you step out of any uncomfortable emotions. This practice can help you regain your balance and increase your vibrational frequency. It really is that easy.

Once you start deliberately offering thought, you access the energy that creates worlds.

Abraham Hicks

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