A Simple Way to Practice Loving Kindness & Compassion

Living with fear, hate or distain of any sort brings our frequency down, tossing us into a cycle of despair and darkness. So what do we do? Put our heads in the sand and pretend we don’t feel those things? No, that won’t help. In fact, it actually makes things worse by keeping us in that dark cycle of helplessness and frustration.

A loving kindness prayer will always naturally elevate our frequency, allowing for precious spaciousness and clarity. The prayer keeps me grounded in my commitment to living a life of love and compassion. At a higher frequency I feel more joy, clarity, inner peace and compassion for myself and others, contributing to better my overall health and the health and well being of others.

To raise my frequency and practice loving kindness, I end my morning and evening meditation with a loving kindness prayer:

May you be happy

May you be healthy

May you be safe

May you feel at ease

First I offer this beautiful prayer to all those I love, then to those with whom I might feel emotionally conflicted and then to all beings everywhere. I find this practice soothing and a beneficial way to start and end my day. 

When we practice loving kindness and compassion we are the first ones to profit.


Of course it’s easy to offer this loving kindness to those that I love and care about. Sometimes offering the loving kindness prayer from my heart takes a little time as I inquire into my own resistance. When I experience resistance it is my emotional body telling me something is asking for healing attention. If time permits, I will do a simple inquiry asking myself, “What is really going on?” 

Oftentimes this question is all it takes for my heart to open and to find the deeper reason for resisting to offer this prayer from my heart. I seek a place of acceptance with this resistance. Then I am able to allow the loving kindness and compassion to flow.

Ram Dass once said, “I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.” Making my life this kind of statement is my work, and it is sacred.

As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.

Abraham Hicks

Remember, the Universal Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. So when I start my day by elevating my frequency I attract thoughts and events that are high frequency, elevating me even more.

And when I end my day with this beautiful prayer, I sleep better, and we all know the benefits of that.

So, do you want to change your life? Try elevating your frequency.

NOTE: My prayer is based on the Buddhist practice called Metta, Loving kindness. This practice is an offering of benevolence towards all beings and when practiced, is to be free of all attachment. We do not offer this prayer with the desire to heal or in hopes those receiving will change in some way. It is an act of selfless devotion to the Divine and to all beings everywhere. The Buddhists practice helps us to overcome anger, hatred and ill will.

Inquiry is a gentle process based on the teachings of the Indian Saint, Sri Ramana Maharshi. It is the practice of awareness allowing us to discover what is really going on inside of us, specifically with our emotional baggage. Resistance is our emotions asking us to look at issues that may be unresolved causing reactivity. Acknowledging how we are feeling and having the willingness to meet those emotions until they are resolved is the gateway to Truth.

Here I have outlines this simply process: https://www.leebyrdmystic.com/2023/08/28/inquiry-coming-into-presence/

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