Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver
Seriously, what are you doing? Are you living your wildest dream? If not, why not? What’s holding you back?
Ever since I was a child I wanted to write and to teach. As a little girl, I lined up all my dolls and stuffed animals, read to them, and taught them arithmetic and the alphabet. I wrote stories about magic and elves and pixies.
It took me years to believe enough in myself to finally embrace this dream. I kept waiting for that right moment, you know? First I had to go to school, then I had to get married and have a child. And always there was the pressure to work and pay bills.
I never stopped writing, but for so long, I bought into society’s demands that I find work that would support me and my family financially. I was told writing was a hobby, not a vocation, it didn’t matter how good I was.
If this last year of my life has taught me anything it is to stop waiting and to live my dream. So, I write. And I love writing. And I trust the universe to have my back. I no longer buy into the belief that I am limited in any way.
So, tell us, what is it you plan to do with this one wild and precious life?
Life knew what I wanted and I kept putting it all aside. But life gently but firmly nudged me into becoming the person I really want to be. Now I write.
Running with the Elks is my story of this journey to embracing my dream.
A Simple Practice: Building Your Dream
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao Tzu
If you are not yet living your dream and doing what you want with this one wild and precious life, perhaps this exercise will help you get focused and clarify what you truly want.
The Practice
Start by placing yourself in a safe environment with little or no distractions. Consider lighting a candle and diffusing your favorite essential oil. Get comfortable. Have your journal and some water (or tea if you prefer) nearby.
Breath-work: Intentional breathing helps relax and balance the nervous system. Here are two of my favorite techniques. I suggest doing three rounds.
- Inhale to the count of four, hold for one count, and exhale to the count of eight.
- Inhale deeply and slowly from the bottom of your spine, imagine the breath moving up to the top of your head, hold (notice the tension) and when you exhale, blow it out hard.
Body awareness meditation: Being aware of our body and the physical sensations within strengthens our ability to be in Presence.
- Start either at the top of your head or with your feet.
- Become the observer and slowly scan your body.
- Just notice any feelings and sensations that are present.
- Nothing to do, this is simply a way to allow you to come fully present in this moment within your physical body.
I’ve included audio of my body awareness meditation (
Journaling: Part One
- Take out your journal and start writing.
- Describe your dream in complete detail.
- Don’t overthink this, just let it flow. There are no limits, no right or wrong so shoot for the moon.
Now close your journal and take a short break. Consider going for a walk or doing some simple yoga stretches.
Journaling: Part Two
- Open your journal and read what you wrote. No editing, just read.
- Now, write about how it felt to read what you wrote.
- Did it inspire you to make any changes?
- What, if anything, is blocking you from taking the next step to realizing your dream?
Read this every day, even a few times a day. And as you do, write down how you are feeling. Be honest with yourself, this is for you and your personal growth.
I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned that this is not a dress rehearsal, and that today is the only guarantee you get.
Anna Quindlen