The Presence of Love Within Me

Learning to see with the eyes of the heart.

What does the Presence of Love feel like? Can we accept the fact that love is who we are, that it is our true nature? There’s nothing to earn, nothing to gain. It is a simple, unbiased, fact that we are love. 

By its very nature, love is unconditional. Love is not determined by the color of our skin, whether we are male or female, or what language we speak. It is not based on our bank account or our reputation. 

Love is not deserved because it is who we are at the very core of our Being. Like Grace, we were born into a state of Love. It can never be taken away from us. As theologian Meggan Watterson says, love is what saves us. 

We are love and that can never be changed or destroyed.

This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls.


I have always known, without knowing how that love was all there ever was or ever would be. This belief feels instinctual and as natural as breathing. But I’ve only been able to fully embody this truth because of sitting, again and again, in the fire of transformation—facing fears and moving through intense emotions.

The fire burns away all the lies and fears that distort, leaving only the truth. If I were not welcoming and living this truth, I would have no choice but to return to the old me, the inauthentic one who lived in fear, constantly needing the approval, acceptance, and love of others to survive. The old me had no faith or solid foundation to stand upon. She was willing to hide her beauty and sell her soul for these misguided, inane reasons.

We, you and me, are born in the image of the Divine. To turn away from this gift is to turn away from our own divinity and destroy this precious gift of life and love. Our mission, our only mission, is to embody love.

There must be a stronger foundation than mere friendship or sexual attraction. Unconditional love, agape love, will not be swayed by time or circumstances.

Stephen Kendrick

The Presence of Love surrounds us always. To know how it feels, we simply open our perspective and let fear fall away. Then, we behold the Presence of Love in the amazing beauty and often mysterious synchronicities of our daily lives. 

How does it feel to know the Presence of Love within me? The feeling is freeing, amazing, exhilarating, affirming, and breathtaking. Hugging a tree, petting a cat, sniffing a flower, and watching the birds soar into the clouds are the wonders of the love of the One Source, the Universe, and God herself. 

Knowing this Presence within me makes me feel all of life vibrating, pulsing through me. It is the very foundation that allows me to stand strong during the storms. It is the blessing of the Blessed One, the truest, purest gift one could ever receive. 

And yet, this Presence of Love isn’t only about receiving this gift of love; it is who we are. Deeply knowing this love is seeing with the eyes of the heart. We only need to embrace it and will never be without this all-encompassing Presence of Love. It is here right now. Always. Forever.

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