Fear and I had a long, overdue, heart-to-heart chat this morning.
For many years, fear was a constant companion, often not very pleasant. These fears had no substance; they were driven by old programming that informed me in various ways that I was not good enough. UGH!
I’ve worked diligently these last couple of years especially to come to rest with these fears. This has involved meditation, of course, but also regular breathwork, movement, and self-inquiry journaling. This commitment to healing has rewarded me with priceless riches: abundant joy, love, and, most importantly, the confidence to believe in myself.
I am now, and have always been, good enough.
As usual, my morning meditation left me feeling lighter, more alive, and more focused. My heart overflowed with gratitude as I lay there, eyes closed, awareness on my breath. In the distance, I hear the soft coo of the Mourning Dove’s welcome. I am immersed in the sweetness of this moment.
Then I noticed the presence of, for lack of words, an energy. This “presence” was not threatening or disturbing. It was simply an energy that seemed to lay beside me on the bed. I took several deep breaths and gently asked, “Who are you?”

“I am your fear,” came the response in a soft, clear inner voice.
A great calm came over me. I was completely relaxed, and my only reaction was an innate curiosity. I knew this was Source wanting to share something with me, another lesson in being me on this wild journey called life.
As if I were talking with a dear friend, I asked this presence why she was here. I don’t know how long this conversation lasted, I wasn’t watching the clock. I simply lay there, feeling warm and safe and let the thoughts flow.
Fear is the brain’s way of saying that there is something important for you to overcome.
Rachel Huber
Although it was a beautiful conversation, one I’ll never forget, it offered nothing new. I did, however, come away with the reassurance that I was indeed on the right path.
Fear happens; it is a natural part of humanness. Learning to differentiate between fear arising from ego and genuine, life-threatening fear has been illuminating, empowering, and life-affirming.
Internal and external are ultimately one. When you no longer perceive the world as hostile, there is no more fear, and when there is no more fear, you think, speak, and act differently. Love and compassion arise, and they affect the world.
Eckhart Tolle