Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones

But words will never harm me.

I say, “You hurt my feelings!”

You say, “What? Me? How?”

I say, “You did ______something-something_______, and it hurt my feelings. Now say you’re sorry and really mean it! And promise never to do it again. Then and only then can we move on.” 

Sound familiar? 

Whether I said it out loud or sat around muttering and pouting, this was how I handled getting triggered. I think it is very common. 

Somehow, we have convinced ourselves that someone else causes us to be triggered, and therefore, only they have the power to fix it.

Is this true? Because if it is, that means I have NO power.  I am a slave to my environment and a victim of everyone in it. Whew! No wonder I want to run and hide. 

Instead, “No, wait, you didn’t hurt my feelings. You don’t have that power. I decided that my feelings are hurt, remember?”

I decide if my feelings are hurt. There is no blame. I’m accountable for my choices. 

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