It’s our job, not a life lesson.
Those who commit atrocities are acting out of old wounds. That doesn’t let them off the hook. Nor is it our job to heal their wounds. Truth be told, we don’t have that power. However, we do possess the power to heal our own wounds.
Painful things happen; it’s called life. And if left unattended, this pain festers, leaving us wounded. These wounds become the roadblocks that keep us from living authentically from our hearts.
A tunnel vision effect is sometimes created when our emotions overwhelm us. All we see is the pain and get lost in the suffering that it causes. But if we step back and realize that emotions are not right or wrong or good or bad, the wounds can’t fester. We open the door to healing, and the light floods in.
Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.
Gary Zukav
Maybe There Is No Lesson
When challenging situations happen, people often ask, “What’s my lesson here?” Maybe there is no lesson. What if, instead, the emotional pain was a loving nudge from the soul, indicating something within needing to be healed?
There is no lesson; there is just a simple awareness of what is really going on. This awareness puts us in the driver’s seat, gives us control, and enables us to release the notion of being a victim of our pain.
If the pain stays long enough, they fester over into wounds. Some are deep and old, some are fresh and new, and some are inherited from our ancestors. Our work is to become aware of our pain and heal those wounds.

All sentient beings benefit from each of us committing to loving ourselves and healing our hurts. The reason we are here this lifetime is not to learn lessons but rather to awaken and overcome the obstacles that keep us from knowing the truth that love heals us from within.
Healing shifts our energy, increasing our vibrational frequency. This higher frequency helps to heal the collective, counteracting the lower energy emitted by those whose actions are harmful.
We are children of the Divine. This infinite energy, be it known as God, the Universe, the OneSource, or by any other name, is simply love, pure, unconditional love. And since we are children of the Divine, it stands to reason that we, too, are pure, unconditional love. Love is who we are. It is our true nature.
Healing is the application of love to the places inside that hurt. ~Iyanla Vanzant
Iyanla Vanzant
A Path To Healing Our Wounds
Create a daily practice of awareness, a practice that suits you. Here are some suggestions.
Breathwork: Filling your body with life-giving oxygen balances your nervous system, allowing for clarity of mind.
Mindful Movement: Yoga is excellent, try a few rounds of Sun Salutations. Or maybe a mindful walk in nature. Try hugging a tree or dancing to music.
Body Awareness Meditation: Sit comfortably or lay down and breathe. Focus your full attention on each part of your body starting from your feet all the way up to the crown of your head. Breathe into each place while completely relaxing. Allow your energy to flow filling each cell with love.
If you really want to know your mind, the body will always give you a truthful reflection, so look at the emotion, or rather feel it in your body. If there is an apparent conflict between them, the thought will be the lie, the emotion will be the truth. ~Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle
Self-inquiry journaling is a way to bring awareness to our thoughts and patterns that keep us chained to the past. Through this awareness, we can make changes that support the life we want.

Love this!
Thanks, Nancy! I appreciate your comment and that you read this post. Hope you are doing well.