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White-Gold Light Meditation

A Guided Visualization
by Thia Rose

Visualize a light in your mind.  Imagine it as an intense, strong healing light.  Imagine the light to be colors that you feel are the most healing for you; it doesn’t necessarily have to be white-gold light.  It is entirely up to you. Just insert your colors into this meditation.  

The beautiful white-gold light is made of Love, Peace, Joy, Grace, Healing, Protection, and Nourishment.  The beautiful white-gold light surrounds and permeates every particle (and wave) of my being (body-mind-spirit) with Love, Peace, Joy, Grace, Healing, Protection, and Nourishment.

The beautiful white-gold light goes through my body, cell-by-cell, dissolving any aberrant (cancer) cells.  And fills all of my healthy cells with Love, Peace, Joy, Grace, Healing, Protection, and Nourishment 

 The beautiful white-gold light goes through my cardiovascular system, dissolving plaques, and smoothing and strengthening the vessel walls and the heart chambers with Love, Peace, Joy, Grace, Healing, Protection, and Nourishment.

And the beautiful white-gold light doubles in strength every nanosecond and stays with me forever.

This meditation is best to do right before you go to sleep or any other time that you won’t be interrupted.  You can add any other parts of your body that you want healed. You can also surround your family, pets, friends, house and grounds, vehicles, communities, our planet Earth, etc. 

Audio (please let us know if you cannot access this file)

To the mind that is still, the whole Universe surrenders. ~Lao Tzu

Thia Rose
Hypnotherapist at Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Professionals
RN at HopeWest

I have studied three different types of energy work: Healing Science Training, Therapeutic (Healing) Touch, and Reiki.  I first studied with Dolores Cannon and became certified in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) in 2011. I certified for my Level 2 in 2016. I have been a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 1999. I have been a nurse for almost 40 years.  I have done regression hypnosis since 1974.

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White-Gold Light Meditation Document Link