Another explainable, alarming act of violence dominating our media. Memphis officials released a video of police officers beating a young man to death. To say it is difficult to watch is an understatement. It is meant to be difficult. It is meant to make us uncomfortable. It is meant to horrify.
Where is the Grace?
This is the question that needs to be asked, to be explored by all of us.
You were born into a state of grace.
As I understand this, I am not just in a state of grace, grace is my true nature, it is who I am at the very core. Thus grace is another word for divine. Everyone, without exception including the officers that murdered the young man, is divine.
Grace is the holy woman bathing a child.
Grace is the angry man beating another man’s child.
Grace is the light and it is the darkness.
I am grace. I am human. I am divine. I am one with everyone and everything.
Why am I struggling with this?
As I sit and allow myself to meet and feel each of the emotional layers, I begin to see the darkness within and that scares me. My natural inclination is to do and be good. But if I am completely honest, sometimes there is fear and that almost always turns into anger.
Here my beliefs seem to conflict. I have embraced my true nature of divine grace. But I still hold a belief that says bad is bad. What those officers did was clearly bad and for me to believe otherwise seems to give them and others permission to continue acts of violence.
Grace is violence. And it is peace.
As I wrestle with this seeming contradiction I begin to feel my heart open, there’s a light there asking to be seen. As I come to rest within the conflict, peace arises. As I allow the peace, my awareness broadens and I see that good is not the opposite of bad. I see that these are simply words we use, words that are usually loaded with judgements rather than the beautiful awareness that we all possess. The darkness and that darkness is not good or bad, it is simply darkness.
Grace is darkness. Grace is light.
One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
~Carl Jung
We cannot have the light without the darkness.
Please understand that I am in no way condoning violence. Those men need to atone for what they did. They are not bad. They simply turned away from their own inner knowing.
I am human which means sometimes I make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes hurt others. But I am not those mistakes. I am Grace.
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