What, Me Write A Book?!

Fear asks: Are you sure you want to do this?

Returning home from my writing retreat weekend, filled with awe. Awe? Yes, I don’t know another word that says it all. I am a writer who is creating her first book. I am excited, joyful even. And I’m feeling vulnerable. Fear tickles me, warning me, gently whispering, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

All you need is the courage to believe in yourself and put one foot in front of the other.

Kathrine Switzer

Over the years, I’ve started to write a book many times but have consistently abandoned the idea. Initially, I didn’t believe that I was a good writer. But I worked through this fear, and now that idea, I’m happy to say, has been debunked. I have surrendered to the truth: I am a good writer. 

I believe that every artist, regardless of their genre: paintings, writings, sculptures, music, etc., experiences anxiety and fear of being judged and the possibility of rejection. Fear is natural; its job is to nudge us and ask, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged.  

Erica Jong

Be afraid and do it anyway. 

I am grateful for my practice of breathwork, meditation, self-inquiry, essential oils, and movement. This practice supports me and gives me the strength to face the fear of rejection and relax. As I relax my body and nervous system, I raise my frequency and restore inner peace.

Being judged is not something anyone relishes. However, I have encountered many who take the time to try to work through the discomfort that arises with fear and let it go. Yes, it is possible. 

I’ve been collecting material for my book for the last few years. At our recent weekend retreat, I worked with my dear friend Aimee, who helped me put my stories together. Soon, there will be a preliminary draft, which we will continue refining and editing and finally share with an editor. Whew!

To create takes a willingness and courage to sit in the fire of vulnerability. My inner voice still whispers, “Are you sure you want to do this?” Yes, I reply! I am doing this.

So, here goes! I’m standing on the edge, filled with awe. I breathe deeply, consciously, intentionally, and take the next step—and then the next. 

Believe in yourself!

Essential Oil Suggestion: Believe

I have used this delightful blend for years. Its calming formula helps me get grounded, let go of negative thoughts, and believe in myself. Inhale, apply, and diffuse.


Before using any essential oils, take a few minutes and read this disclaimer; thank you.

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