1931 – 2019 More than 50 years ago, while hanging out at a friends place, I saw this book on the table, Be Here Now. I had no idea who Ram Dass was but the book’s title intrigued me, so I sat down and started reading. This was in the early 70s. I was seeking… Continue reading My First Teacher: Ram Dass
Author: Lee Byrd
Step Into Your Life As It Is Now
How Can I Step Into Now? Gratitude is one of the most effective ways to getting in touch with your Soul. Deepak Chopra Gratitude is the foundation of our courage to step into our life as it is right now. Gratitude for ourselves is simply Self-Love. It strengthens the ability to be fully present and… Continue reading Step Into Your Life As It Is Now
Stop Your Boo-hooing!
Actually, grief hurts and boo-hooing helps ease that pain. Grief is our emotional response to loss. It is generally associated with the loss of a loved one but also arises with any loss such as a terminal medical diagnosis, or the loss of a job, marriage, or home. Grief is often extremely intense and overwhelming… Continue reading Stop Your Boo-hooing!
Emotions, like our breath, come and go. Certain circumstances trigger cellular memories and our emotional body goes into reactivity, which is normal. This response happens to absolutely everyone. All the great spiritual teachers throughout millennia have spoken this truth: reactivity naturally arises, freedom comes when we don’t attached. And that is the secret in a… Continue reading Emotions
Surrender to Oneness
There was another senseless mass shooting in my community recently. Six people plus the shooter died. First I railed, crying, screaming, begging the Divine for answers. Why did this happen and when will it end? I did not want to hear that this was the victims’ and the perpetrator’s destiny. I did not want to… Continue reading Surrender to Oneness
One spring morning, more than 50 years ago, I was sitting on the living room floor of the small 3-bedroom ranch home shared by my first husband, his business partner and I. On this day, for no particular reason, the three of us decided to drop acid (LSD), like we’d done so many times before. … Continue reading Oneness
How Do I Know My True Divine Nature
How do I know my True Divine Nature ? An interesting question. We don’t ask the lungs to breathe nor the heart to beat. Since our first breath we trust, without questioning, the body to continue taking in the needed air. Without being told to do so, the heart pumps the needed blood and oxygen… Continue reading How Do I Know My True Divine Nature
Create the Life You Want!
What if I told you that you possess the unique and magical ability to create the life you want? What would you do? This is not only possible, it is our birthright. We are all Divine Beings, it is our True Nature. To make significant change, to create the life of your dreams, all one… Continue reading Create the Life You Want!
The Power of Presence
Presence is the state of awareness of this present moment. We empower ourselves when we move from Presence. Lee Byrd When we take the time to slow down and realize Presence, our world view changes. It is this space allows us to move from the perspective of our higher, authentic self. Clarity arises in Presence.… Continue reading The Power of Presence
Finding Home Within
When we get emotionally triggered it’s easy to fall into old patterns of thought and behavior — and it’s easy to get stuck there, thinking this is just the way it is. Lee Byrd Learning to live a life free from suffering When feelings of insecurity, of not being good enough, or fear of rejection… Continue reading Finding Home Within