Forgiveness: The Starting Point of Emotional Well Being

We are solely responsible for our own emotional health. When difficult events happen, we can be thrown into reactivity. Reactivity is simply a responsiveness to stimulation, often resulting in intense emotions. It is natural, everyone experiences it.  Strong emotions can make us feel as if we are powerless, but we are not. We may not… Continue reading Forgiveness: The Starting Point of Emotional Well Being

Love’s Perfect Loyalty

We humans are powerful creators – every moment of our lives, whether or not we are aware of it, we are creating the next moment. Universal law states that like attracts like – what we dwell on is manifested in our life. I am grieving. I am mourning the loss of my life as I… Continue reading Love’s Perfect Loyalty

Becoming a Free Spirit

Freedom is our birthright. It is not something we earn or learn, it is innate. It is who we are. We were all born free spirits. A Free Spirit never needs to explain themselves or prove anything. Lee Byrd From the moment we take our first breath we are programmed to think and feel a… Continue reading Becoming a Free Spirit

What Would You Do?

What would you do if God spoke directly to your face and said: I command that you be happy in the world, as long as you live. What would you do then? Richard Bach What would you do? Some organized religions have people believing that this life is a purgatory of sorts, a place of suffering.… Continue reading What Would You Do?