I Am

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, light: the mystic connection. I am Earth Loved and nourished  Deeply rooted within A solemn vow, a precious human birth I am Water Joy and passion Flows through my veins For of my life, I am the author I am Fire Blessed Prana Blessed life Blessing all I may desire… Continue reading I Am

If Only

Meanderings, wanderings, wishes and desires. If only I dared to use my voice and share my truth. What would I say? What if you disagree or don’t want to hear my truth? What then? If only I were brave enough to look everyone in the eyes and say, “Hey, you, I love you!” Would they… Continue reading If Only

Let It Be

Words of wisdom. Knowing that the fresh air would soothe my aching heart, I decided to walk, rather than drive, to Juno’s home. We were meeting for lunch and, as always, a soulful conversation.  The recent upheaval in our government had both of us locked in relentless, unbearable fear. I needed nothing more than to… Continue reading Let It Be

The Water Bill

They turned off my friggin’ water! I had just finished showering and was about to brush my teeth when suddenly, my water sputtered to a stop. Confused and a tad pissed, I dressed and flew downstairs. No water in the kitchen, no water in the downstairs bath, no water in the outside faucet! That’s when… Continue reading The Water Bill

Crazy Old Woman

The veil is thinning. I am an old woman, crazy as a loon.Bathing in the darkness,Howling at the moon. Safe inside my silky cocoon,I yearn for the mysterySpreading my wings andFlying off on my broom. The veil is thinning,The truth is coming clear.Separation is a myth, an illusion of fear. Embrace the mystery, whispers my… Continue reading Crazy Old Woman

I Lost My Voice

Well, actually, he stole it! His words stung, threatened, muted me,His words tossed me head-first into a cold, cageless prison.No voice, no choice, no key.Only the breathlessness of panic. I lost my voice.  Only terror remains. Only nightmares remain. Spinning alone, fear my only companion.Voiceless in my cageless prison.“Where am I? What did I do wrong?” I… Continue reading I Lost My Voice