There he goes, riding a comet’s tail! Sir Humpity deDumpity Du was carelessly dancing on a wall way too small. He laughed and giggled while doing the jiggety-jig on that way-too-small wall when he lost his balance and took a great fall. He fell hard, landing smack dab on his head, breaking into a zillion-and-one… Continue reading The Fall and the Rise of Sir Humpity deDumpity Du
Category: Uncategorized
The Water Bill
They turned off my friggin’ water! I had just finished showering and was about to brush my teeth when suddenly, my water sputtered to a stop. Confused and a tad pissed, I dressed and flew downstairs. No water in the kitchen, no water in the downstairs bath, no water in the outside faucet! That’s when… Continue reading The Water Bill
Welcome to the World, Baby Girl
Oh, what an adventure! Naturally, it happened in the middle of the night. I got out of bed to go pee, something you do often when you’re nine months pregnant. Halfway down the hall to the bathroom, my water broke. I was told to expect this, but maybe because I was half asleep, I was… Continue reading Welcome to the World, Baby Girl
Crazy Old Woman
The veil is thinning. I am an old woman, crazy as a loon.Bathing in the darkness,Howling at the moon. Safe inside my silky cocoon,I yearn for the mysterySpreading my wings andFlying off on my broom. The veil is thinning,The truth is coming clear.Separation is a myth, an illusion of fear. Embrace the mystery, whispers my… Continue reading Crazy Old Woman
I Lost My Voice
Well, actually, he stole it! His words stung, threatened, muted me,His words tossed me head-first into a cold, cageless prison.No voice, no choice, no key.Only the breathlessness of panic. I lost my voice. Only terror remains. Only nightmares remain. Spinning alone, fear my only companion.Voiceless in my cageless prison.“Where am I? What did I do wrong?” I… Continue reading I Lost My Voice
What I Really Want
I want to do my Sudoku puzzles in ink So I cannot erase my mistakes But instead, weave those mistakes into a beautiful gown Of red and purple and yellow and blue and green and orange. Then I’ll wear the dress and my gold sneakers, The ones I found at the Salvation Army thrift store,… Continue reading What I Really Want
A Letter From The Goddess Mother
My dearest daughter, You had a rocky start this lifetime. People and society fed you messages that were not only untrue but also hurtful and ultimately harmful. However, you heard my whisperings, urging you to gather your sword and shield and rise up like the Phoenix. And you did. The fierce fire of truth burns… Continue reading A Letter From The Goddess Mother
Connecting With Reality Detaching is letting go of our need to control the outcome. It is about accepting what is happening in the moment. Detachment is not indifferent, nor is it disconnecting from reality. Detachment is about empowering ourselves to make decisions and take actions that allow us to be in charge of our emotional… Continue reading Detachment
I Am A Feminist
Why aren’t you? I was a feminist long before I even knew it was a thing. I was raised by a dominating stepfather. This man controlled everything in our home, and if we kids ever questioned him, the answer was always the same: “Cause I say so, and I pay the bills.” And so it… Continue reading I Am A Feminist
Healing From Within
It’s our job, not a life lesson. Those who commit atrocities are acting out of old wounds. That doesn’t let them off the hook. Nor is it our job to heal their wounds. Truth be told, we don’t have that power. However, we do possess the power to heal our own wounds. Painful things happen;… Continue reading Healing From Within