A Ritual Meditation
Universal law states that everything is energy, that everything vibrates at its own unique frequency, including the human body’s organs, glands, and various systems. Chakras are the energy centers of the body.
Energy cannot be stopped but it can be blocked. Blocked and unbalanced energy may cause one to feel out of sorts, depressed, anxious and stressed. Whereas balanced energy fields leads to feeling relaxed and confident.
Always start by placing yourself in a safe space with little or no distraction.
- Diffuse Peace & Calming for emotional support
- Massage Valor on the feet to balance the electrical energies of the body, and promote courage and fortitude
Root Chakra
Located at the base of the spine and is the foundation of emotional & mental health. Associated with survival, it is our connection to Mother Earth.
Essential Oil: Cedarwood connects the earth and universal energies, protective, rejuvenating
Sacral Chakra
Located just below the navel, it is the center of our creativity & sexuality.
Essential Oil: Ylang Ylang balances the male-female,
Solar Plexus Chakra
Located just above the navel, home of our self-esteem & personality, separates us from our tribal identity.
Essential Oil: Joy promotes a sense of worthiness
and confidence
Heart Chakra
Located at the center of the chest, it is the human energy center and mediates between body and spirit, determining health, strength and balance. Home of compassion and self-love.
Essential Oil: Lavender, promotes unconditional love
Throat Chakra
Located at the bottom of the neck, this is where we find our voice and the courage to speak our Truth.
Essential Oil: Frankincense strengthens our connection
to our own Divine Self
The Third Eye Chakra
Located in the center of the forehead, between the brows, it is the intuitive, conceptual center, seat of the will.
Essential Oil: Jasmine produces a sense of confidence,
emotional balance, deepening our knowing
Crown Chakra
Located at the top of the head, represents the highest level of consciousness and the connective center to Spirit
Essential Oil: Rose which has one of the highest frequency, it enhances the frequency of every cell, bringing balance and harmony
Note: Because pure essential oils are so highly concentrated, it is recommended to use only a drop or two at a time
- A drop in your non-dominant hand, massage gently 2 or 3 rotations – this breaks up the molecules and allows for greater, more direct absorption into the body
- Inhale – breathe in deeply and as you do, imagine the oils penetrating every single cell in the body
- Apply to the specific Chakra Point
The Afterword
- Strengthen the sense of oneness that naturally arises as well as a sense of protection – brush White Angelica over the shoulders, the crown and down the body.
- Sit quietly and listen to the Soul, what are you being told?
- Consider journaling, explore what is here for you.
- Do some gentle movement – yoga stretches, slow walk, etc.
- Detox – we’ve stirred the pot, now let go of the toxins that have surfaced by adding a drop of Lemon Vitality Essential Oil to a large class of water
- Hydrate – keep the body balanced & healthy
- Rest – allow the body to recharge
Before using any essential oils, please read this disclaimer: https://www.leebyrdmystic.com/about/contact/disclaimer/
If you are interested in essential oils, leave me a message here and I’ll be in touch. If you’d like to create your own Young Living Wholesale account, go here: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/3715006