Raise Your Frequency 

What we think and feel manifests in our lives.

Spiritual author and researcher Dr David Hawkins has quantified the various states of consciousness in relation to their vibrational frequencies. His research shows that raising our vibrational frequency makes us happier, increasing our natural joy. 

Living a life filled with joy and peace makes us better humans; we are kinder and more compassionate. Feeling happy and more at ease with ourselves leads to happier thoughts, which manifest happier things in our lives.

Additionally, higher vibrational frequencies lead to higher states of consciousness, enabling us to know our Divine nature. And ultimately, isn’t that what we want: to rest in the joyful embrace of God herself? 

How do we raise our frequency?

Start with awareness: what are you thinking right now? Does the idea of knowing your true divine nature excite you? Or are you filled with doubt? Don’t judge your thoughts. Just become aware of them. 

Rejecting your current state makes you unhappy.
Accepting your current state makes you peaceful.

Daily Wisdom Quote

You are in control here; you’ve been given free will. Do you want a life of joy or a life of suffering? If you chose joy, here are a few things to help you raise your vibrational frequency and attract more love, joy, and ease.

Meditation, Breathwork, and Essential Oils

  • Meditation is the easiest (yes, it is easier than you think) and most direct way of increasing your frequency to the highest level. I prefer my body-awareness guided meditation, but there are many, many others, and the truth is, they all lead to the same destination: inner peace and tranquility. 

…meditation is the very best way to increase your positive energy, effectively raising your vibration to the highest level.

The EOC Institute
  • Breathwork: Conscious, mindful breathing balances our nervous system and emotional body, enabling us to rest in the present moment.

When your state changes, your breathing pattern changes. And it’s a two-way street: when you change your breathing pattern, you change your state! We can use the breath to hack into our nervous system, our brain, our immune system. We can use the breath to choose our state!

Dan Brulé 
  • Essential Oils have been used for thousands of years to enhance spiritual and meditative practices. Many essential oils have been known to support our meditation practice. My favorite is Frankincense. Its woodsy aroma is grounding and uplifting, making it a perfect companion for meditation.

Frankincense contains chemicals that help relieve negative feelings (including stress, anger, sadness, and more).

Heidi Villegas

As poet Mary Oliver says, this is your life, your one very precious life. What you do with it is entirely up to you. I am not suggesting a life of denial; I’m simply saying that you have the power and ability to make the changes that will give you a life free from emotional suffering. This is our birthright.

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