Coming to Rest Within the Pain
Grief is our emotional response to loss. This can be any loss – that of a loved one, loss of a job or home, etc. Loss is loss and grief is a natural response. It is emotionally and spiritually healthy for us to recognize what we are feeling. In times of grief it can be empowering to simply sit within the fire of that pain. Here are some ways that have helped me:
Start by choosing an Essential Oil. I suggest:
Bergamot – for emotional balance. I find it to be very soothing, relieving anxiety and depression
Lavender – goes to where it hurts. I always have Lavender near. It is the best in helping me to come back into balance
Forgiveness – often when we suffer loss we can feel guilt and/or shame, which would naturally arise. This blend helps me let go of these emotions and thus allows me to forgive myself (and others)
Valor – for me this blend invokes a strong sense of safety, I recommend massaging it on the bottom of the feet
Diffuse – Lavender and Bergamot are a perfect combo allowing us to relax just a little within these challenging emotions
Inhale – one at a time, place a drop or two in your palm and massage gently (2 or 3 rotations). Breathe in the essence of the oils. As you do this, imagine that every single cell in your body is being throughly bathed by this magic
Apply – to your temples and the heart, the release points on the back of the neck where the head and spine meet, massage on the bottom of feet
Body Awareness Meditation Exercise

Find a safe comfortable place to sit.
Take a moment and look around your immediate environment. Look to each side, look up and down at the ground/floor, and look behind you.
Bring your awareness to your breath. Take three or more deep conscious breaths. Breathe into the diaphragm, hold for a moment, release slowly.
Now notice your physical body. I like to start with my feet. Here we become the witness as we slowly scan our body, noticing what physical sensations are present. Do your best here to keep your awareness on the body and the breath.
When time permits, consider journaling about what emotions are present and how they change as you do this exercise.
Prioritize Self-Care

Simple things like exercise such as yoga and walking are invaluable.
Stay hydrated. Emotional work can sometimes release toxins and drinking water can help flush these from our body. I like to put a couple of drops of pure Lemon essential oil in my water – tastes good.
Check out local grief support groups. For me speaking with others who were experience similar emotions is so supportive.
Before using any essential oils please read this disclaimer:
If you have questions or want to order any Young Living essential oil products, leave me a message here. If you’d like to open your own Young Living Wholesale account, go here: